Skeleton Typogram

Your organ­ism and soft tis­sues a pud­dle on the ground, if not for the ancient seg­men­tal struc­ture of the ver­te­brates. Hominids, like you, use the lat­est upright tech­nol­ogy, orig­i­nat­ing only 4 mil­lion years ago.

A radiological anatomical diagram and model of the human skeletal system in a running pose, composed of the names of the bones using typography.
Skeleton Typogram
by Aaron Kuehn

Recon­structed as a graphic anatomical abstrac­tion of long-stride loco­mo­tion. The com­po­nent bones, ordi­nar­ily con­structed with rigid min­er­al­ized tis­sues, have been typo-grammatically replaced with 676 free and fused glyphs, together form­ing a com­plete skele­tal dia­gram in Latin.


A radiological anatomical diagram and model of the human skeletal system in a running pose, composed of the names of the bones using typography. Includes the location and relationships of the parietal, frontal, temporal, maxilla, mandible, occipital, metacarpal, carpus, radius, ulna, ribs, clavicle, scapula, humerus, sternum, sacrum, coccyx, ilium, ischium, femur, patella, fibula, tibia, tarsus, metatarsal and phalanges. A useful and educational infographic for radiology, orthopedic, chiropractic, and other medical students and professionals.